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The elaborate Reports of the Society for Psychical Research seldom get beyond the shelves of its members, and it is possible that few of this class read them with any such care and patience as students are made to bestow upon Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel. I know one prominent member who had my own lengthy report on his table for six months without knowing what it was about. If those who profess allegiance to the work do no better than this what can we expect of the Philistines? Of course it is hard to blame any one for this, because this is a busy world and there is too much to read. But I remark the fact to indicate the difficulties in the way of interesting even the best minds on so intricate a subject as this.
I have endeavored in the present volume to summarise the most important of the Society's work, more especially with reference to such matter as might claim to bear upon the problem of a future life. I have accepted Mr. Podmore's book on Apparitions and Thought Transference as sufficiently illustrative of supernormal phenomena not claiming to be spiritistic and do not duplicate its material. I have also perhaps discussed the Piper Case more than does M. Sage in his admirable summary, because I wished to reach a class of English readers who may wish a fuller resume of the general work.
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