Standing Tall: How a Man Can Protect His Family
Now you can Enjoy book Standing Tall: How a Man Can Protect His Family with detailed description:A leader must stand tall enough for his followers to find him. "As the God-appointed captain of his family," says Steve Farrar, "a man faces the challenge of spying out the social territory, marking danger zones, and taking stands to protect those in his charge." It's an active leadership role -- and Farrar's been training men to succeed in it for over ten years. In this paperback rerelease of his popular Standing Tall, the men's ministries leader "walks tall" through America -- observing politics, abortion, the gay movement, media trends, and the loss of our "moral boundaries." Farrar offers men sure biblical foundations on which to stand for faith-based living -- closing with "Seven Ways to Help Your Kids Stand Tall." A study guide/appendix makes it great for group use, too!
From the Trade Paperback edition.
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